Thursday, July 30, 2009

Some art that found a new home

The artwork here all became a gift one way or another. The first two were mixtape covers I created for two of my friends, Rachel and Gina, along with the mixtapes inside. The third and fourth pieces were covers for birthday cards I made for my parents, who I have to thank for giving me life and the chance to pursue art. And finally is the cover to a birthday gift I decorated for my friend Laura, who I shared a train throughout Europe (along with my friends Alex and Ian) over 8 years ago - one of the highlights of my life so far.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

"Outdoor Families" certificate design

A little while ago my friend Emily asked me to design a certificate for an event she had been organizing. An event where kids get the chance to do different activities involving nature with their families. The certificate above would be given to each child upon completion of all the activities, along with a stamp of completion that would go into the empty square at the bottom right. That is about the extent that I know about the event. It was a fun challenge and I'm happy that Emily considered me for this creative endeavor.